Thursday 17 October 2013


Dr.Zeti when receiving the Tokoh Maal Hijrah award from Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin.

Dr.Zeti with her father, Ungku Abdul Aziz and her son, Aliff Aiman during the award ceremony.

The result of the Tokoh Maal Hijrah for 1432H had annouced on 6 December 2010 and our Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz was named "Tokoh Ma'al Hijrah 1432H" at the national-level Ma'al Hijrah celebration at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre. This great achievement by Tan Sri Dr.Zeti together with her father Royal Professor Ungku Aziz achievement many years ago as Tokoh Maal Hijrah have created Malaysia Great Historical achievement where a father and daughter have respectively won this Tokoh Maal Hijrah award and maybe not to be seen again or maybe for many years to come by can we witness such major achievements.

Dr.Zeti when she got the award from Global Finance Publications from Publisher and President, Joseph D. Giarraputo, at the National Press Club, Washington DC

 Dr.Zeti, the 63 years old is the first woman who named as the as the recipient of the "Tokoh Ma'al Hijrah" award in the celebration's history of 24 years.
Before she being awarded as a “Tokoh Ma’al Hijrah”, she had received a lot of award starting from 1998 until now. The first award that she received was D.P.M.J. Dato' Paduka Makhota Johor, Johor. Besides, she also holds the Tun Fatimah Gold Medal in conjunction with the Wanita 2000 celebration and Named Asia's best central bank governor for 2003 by Euromoney Institutional Investors Plc, a UK-based financial publication house. Not only that, Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz got an " A" for the fifth year in a row in an annual financial report card of bank governors from around the world issued by Global Finance magazine on Oct. 23 2007. She receives the award from Global Finance Publications from Publisher and President, Joseph D. Giarraputo, at the National Press Club, Washington DC. Apart from numerous awards she received in Malaysia, Zeti had also received international recognition when she was selected as a member of the United Nations Commission of Experts to suggest the direction of world monetary and financial system.

1. Blog Aida, (11 December 2010), Dr.Zeti received the Tokoh Maal Hijrah Award, Retrieved on 10 October 2013, from,

3. The Star Online, (27 August 2013), Business News, "Bank Negara's Zeti's awarded 'Grade A' among central bank governors," Retrieved on 13 October 2013, from

4. Dahlia's Journal, (2011), Picture of Dr.Zeti receive the award, Retrieved on 13 October 2013, from, 

5. The picture of Dr.Zeti being awarded 'Grade A', Retrieved on 13 October 2013, from 

6. Youtube - Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz-BMCC Premier Luncheon 24th April 2012, Retrieved on 14 October 2013, from 

1 comment:

  1. for me, Tan Sri Dr. Zeti is one of the most inspiring women in Malaysia. she had showed to the people and has proved to them that women also can be a very successful person.
